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Self Growth

          Surround yourself with people who are the future you, see where your paths lead and learn from your mistakes . Life is about living and learning not living and dwelling on the past. The pure definition of life is the process of moving forward and growth.  I've learned a few things these past two years I think we all need to hear sometimes, including myself. Pushing ourselves to do a million and one things is not the way, having a certain mindset and how we look at things, determines a lot of our motivation and direction in life. Moving up the ladder for a job that makes you unhappy, just for that extra dollar, I've been there.  I started to look at what my co-workers were doing. Most were tired finishing there college classes and working a part time job. But their end goals were happiness , because they were striving for something that's gonna keep them happy for a long time, not short term.  Keep in mind though that everyone's happiness comes from something

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